- Commercial Agriculture and Livestock Loan (YSBK): For individuals/organization involved in or willing to involve in agriculture and livestock farming at a commercial level.
- Educated Youth Self Employment Loan (शिक्षित युवा स्वरोजगार कर्जा) : For individuals having minimum educational qualification of Bachelor’s degree.
- Youth Entrepreneur Loan (वैदेशिक रोजगारीबाट फर्केका युवा परियोजना कर्जा) : For individuals who have returned within the last 3 years from the foreign employment and have worked for minimum 6 months in the same line of work.
- Women Entrepreneur Loan (महिला उद्यमशीलता कर्जा) : For individuals or groups of women to set up enterprises to help further develop entrepreneurship among women.
- Marginalized Community Entrepreneur Development Loan (दलित समुदाय ब्यवसाय कर्जा) : For individuals or groups from “Dalit” marginalized community to promote commercial activity related to their traditional skills and/or profession and ultimately develop entrepreneurship among them.
- Higher Technical and Vocational Education Loan (उच्च र प्राविधिक तथा व्यवसायिक शिक्षा कर्जा) : For students with minimum educational qualification of Secondary level or equivalent, who are enrolled or willing to enroll in any college or University in Nepal.
- Earthquake Victim Home Loan: For earthquake affected victims willing to construct home in collaboration with National Reconstruction Authority.
- Textile Industry Loan (कपडा उधोग कर्जा) : For firm/Industry involved in textile business primarily concerned with design, production & distribution of yarn, cloth & clothing.
- Technical Education & Vocational Training Loan (प्राविधिक शिक्षा तथा ब्यावसायिक तालिम कर्जा) : For individual youth (Men/Women) who intent to receive Technical education and Vocational Training from organization/institution recognized by Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training(CTEVT).
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