Type of Loan:
- Overdraft
- Demand Loan
Loan Limit:
For Ordinary Securities:
- Maximum 70% of 120 working days average closing price of the securities OR current market price whichever is lower.
- Enhancement of limit by recalculating security price is not permissible.
For Promoter Securities
- For promoters holding more than 1% of total securities of a company, Loan can be provided for only up to 50% of total holding.
- Maximum 50% of whichever is lower of either
- Last closing price of promoter securities or,
- 50% of 180 working days average closing price of the ordinary securities
- Enhancement of limit by recalculating security price is not permissible.
Documents Required:
Income documents: (Any or all documents depending on source of income declared)
- Salary Income-Latest Salary Certificate from employer/ Payslips of at least 6 months (if any)/ Bank statement if salary is credited in account. Visa and Passport copy if foreign employment.
- Rental Income-Rental Agreement with Tenant ID and Lalpurja Copy of the rented house.
- Business Income-Registration Certificate, Pan Certificate, Audit Report of last two fiscal years with tax clearance certificate, Memorandum of Association and Article of Association, Shareholding pattern in case of Company and Bank account statement of business unit for last 6-7 months.
- Vehicle Income-Renewed Blue Book, Route Permit in case of commercial vehicles.
- Pension Income-Pension Certificate with bank account statement of last 6 months.
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