Smart Features:
- Minimum Balance: NPR 1,000.00
- 50% Discount on Annual Rental Charge of Locker*
- Free Subscription of lnternet Banking, MBL M-Smart*
- Free Subscription of Debit/Credit Card *
- Free Any Branch Banking Service (ABBS) Facility
- Free DMAT Account Opening/Mero Share*
*Charges are free for the first year only. Charges as per Standard Tariff of Charges shall be levied from second year onwards.
Note: Insurance facilities in this product is discontinued from Shrawan 1st, 2077 B.S.
Documents Required:
- Duly filled Personal Account Opening Form
- Identification documents such as Citizenship Certificate /Valid Passport issued by Government of Nepal
- Two recent Passport (PP) size photographs of the account holder
- Identification documents of Nominee along with PP size photograph of the Nominee
- Duly filled KYC form (as and when required)
- Any other documents specified by NRB from time to time
Ease Your Banking Experience