EN नेपा
Machhapuchchhre Bank Limited

Deposit Interest Rate

Effective from July 16, 2024
Types of Deposit** per annum (%)
MBL Karmashil Bachat Khata 6.00
M-Smart Bachat Khata 5.00
Mero Lagani Bachat Khata 4.00
Smart Plus Saving Account 5.00
Machhapuchchhre Bachat Khata 3.00
NRN Saving Account 3.00
MBL Smart Bachat Khata 3.00
Ek Byakti Ek Khata Yojana 3.00
Normal Saving 3.00
Nari Shakti Bachat Khata 3.00
Digi Yuba Bachat Khata 3.00
Shareholders Saving 3.00
Samman Bachat Khata 3.00
BalBalika Bachat Khata 3.00
MBL Premium Saving Account 3.00
MBL Retirement Plan Account 3.00
MBL New Smart Bachat Khata 3.00
Salary Management Account 3.00
Special Salary Management Scheme 3.00
MBL Smart Salary Account 3.00
MBL Surakshit Talab Khata 3.00
MBL New Smart Talab Khata 5.00
MBL Recurring Deposit  
MBL Recurring Deposit (6 months to 5 years) 7.01
MBL Recurring Deposit (above 5 years to 20 years) 7.01
FCY SAVING   NRN/Remittance Others
US Dollar Saving 4.25 3.25
Euro Saving 2.50 1.50
GBP Saving 2.70 1.70
AUD Saving 3.05 2.05
JPY Saving 1.25 0.25
CAD Saving 2.75 1.75
CNY Saving 1.50 0.50
FCY Fixed Deposits NRN/Remittance Others
US Dollar FD 5.87 4.87
Euro FD 4.00 3.00
GBP FD 4.20 3.20
AUD FD 4.55 3.55
JPY FD 2.25 1.25
CAD FD 3.00 2.00
CNY FD 1.50 0.50
Tenure Individual/NRN  Remittance
3 months to below 6 months 5.50 6.50
6 months to below 1 year 6.00 7.00
1 year to below 3 years 6.50 7.50
3 years and above 7.00 8.00
Tenure Institutional
6 months to below 1 year 4.25
1 year and to below 3 years 4.75
3 years and Above 5.25
FCY Call Deposit  
US Dollar Call Deposit Up to 1.62
Euro Call Deposit Up to 0.75
GBP Call Deposit Up to 0.85
AUD Call Deposit Up to 1.02
JPY Call Deposit Up to 0.12
CAD Call Deposit Up to 0.87
CNY Call Deposit Up to 0.25
USD 4.87
EURO 3.00
GBP 3.20
AUD 3.55
JPY 1.25
CAD 2.00
CNY 0.50
LCY Call Deposit Up to 1.50

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