Machhapuchchhre Bank Limited maintains this site for your personal information, education and communication. The contents (Information, material, suggestions, and circulars) on this site have been provided for general information. The information on this site does not constitute an invitation to invest in the shares of the bank nor is it a promise of performance. You may download material displayed on the Site for non-commercial, personal use only, provided you also retain all copyright and other proprietary notices contained on the materials.
You may not, however, distribute, modify, transmit, reuse, report, or use the contents of the Site for public or commercial purposes, including the text, images, audio, and video without Machhapuchchhre Bank’s written permission. The bank does not accept any legal liability whatsoever based on any information contained herein. Furthermore, Machhapuchchhre Bank does not warrant that the services and products offered through the Internet/Mobile Banking will be uninterrupted or error free. There may be omissions, interruptions, delay and inaccuracies in the Internet/Mobile Banking site or links attached to the site.
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