EN नेपा
Machhapuchchhre Bank Limited

Board of Directors

Mr. Roshan KC

Mr. Roshan KC


A young energetic person, holds Master Degree in Business Administration, Mr. Roshan K.C served as the Chairman of MBL from April 27, 2017 till January 4, 2019. Besides MBL, he is also associated with hydro business and has immense experience in the field of Hydro sector. He is the former Director of Pokhara Savings and Credit Cooperative Ltd. and is associated to Bhagwati Hydropower Dev. Pvt. Ltd., Sikles Hydropower Pvt. Ltd., K.C. Construction Pvt. Ltd. and Gandaki Hydropower Dev. Pvt. Ltd.

Mr. Jaya Mukunda Khanal

Mr. Jaya Mukunda Khanal

Public Director

Mr. Jaya Mukunda Khanal holds Master Degree in Business Administration (MBA) and has a fine knowledge of finance, marketing and…

Mr. Bishow Prakash Gautam

Mr. Bishow Prakash Gautam

Public Director

Mr. Bishow Prakash Gautam is a graduate in Business Administration and has a long standing experience in the field of…

Mr. Haribhakta Sigdel

Mr. Haribhakta Sigdel

Promoter Director

Mr. Haribhakta Sigdel holds a Master Degree in Public Administration from Tribhuvan University. He is the former Deputy Superintendent of…

Ms. Bandana Karki

Ms. Bandana Karki

Public Director

Ms. Bandana Karki holds Master Degree in Business Administration (MBA) from Sikkim Manipal University.…

Mr. Peshal Raj Pokharel

Mr. Peshal Raj Pokharel

Independent Director


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